
The winter reminds me of you..
This whispering winds..
The endless fields basking in the sun
And the veranda of my little house reminds me of you..
So far away from you in this unknown place..
So many years have passed since i lost you from my days..
And still the winter reminds me of you..
Theres so much still left to say, 
So much to tell you about everyday..
And i know i cant, no matter how much i want..
But till the day i know you are alive and well somewhere..
I dont care about those unspoken words..
I know winter will keep coming with your memories..
Winter will keep coming to remind,
Its you i have always loved
And cant stop as long as i breathe..


That day of Love

In her dream she was in a train,
Sitting by the window..
He was there in front of her,
Smiling with those eyes full of love..
The sky was cloudy,
The rain was yet to come..
It was a perfect day to fall in love..
The fields were all green as far as you can see..
And there was the horizon where in the sky, the trees set themselves free..
Its then he started to sing..
And her heart felt so small to hold in place all the happiness it brings..
She was still, looking into the distance
And was wishing to be like the fields that has no limit..
The wind was blowing fast over her face
And she wants him to be that wind to shiver like this whenever he will pass..
Was he her lover?
Oh yes he is..
And they lived happily ever after??
No.. Why not?
To keep that love alive..
Forever and beyond..
